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Dizajn by: RizL@ i sTrUdL@

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još jedno sranje na ovom svijetu punog sranja


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-zovem se mateja (malo glupo ime)
-drugi sam razred srednje škole u varaždinu
-slušam metal; večinom power
-volim čokoladu i ono kaj mi moja najdraža
baka skuha
-svoju sliku denem jendnom drugom
prilikom(trenutno mi se neda)
-i to bi bilo to; LoL
-dela bum meni jedne tak lepe lirikse
od jedne sexy grupe...tak

msn: child_of_the_damned_@hotmail.com
icq broj: 433 948 793


Falling again

You are the falling angel
Far from praise and on your way
You gotta stand in the cool night air
Don't feel the rain

Another night to where you down
Another thorn into my crown
You are so far from reach
And I'm in need

I am not your savior
So why I feel this guilty
You are just a stranger

You hear the beating of my heart
I see your eyes they're filled with scars
For you I'm one of many
You are my first

And as I take the streets again
I still remember what we shared
I know this was a moment
Never again

Tell me who was using who
Is there nothing left to do
Can I fight that destiny

I cast my shadow over thee
You let your spore all over me
I'll be your night
And you're my shining star

Out of the ashes we are born
The lost and damned we hoped are gone
We're reaching out for life and falling again


I cannot hear no soothing song
I see no star to wish upon
No beacon in the night to guide my way

But I've been searching for so long
And you're the plane we're dying for
Your breath awakens me
And makes me real

Once I will make you mine
Cross my heart and hope to die
To eternity we'll fly

I cast my shadow over thee
You let your spore all over me
I'll be your night
And you're my shining star

Out of the ashes we are born
The lost and damned we hoped are gone
We're reaching out for life and falling again

I cast my shadow over thee
You let your spore all over me
I'll be your night
And you're my shining star

Out of the ashes we are born
The lost and damned we hoped are gone
We're reaching out for life and falling again

Denial Of Fate

Tribunal of senseless rabble
Built on fear and congruous prophesies
Twisting minds with planned hypocrisy
By the fools the clear're surrounded
Blind are deaf and deaf are blinded
Grant themselves the dream of destiny

Eternal path has not been "meant" for thee
The myth of fate you must tear by force

Get away!
Feel the taste of freedom, ride on wind
Let your mind see things world never seen
As you weed your life from the hope of fate
Find the way you shall within yourself

Clouds of might eclipse the horizon
Darkened sky as long as eye can see
Winds arise in wrath released by me
Now I spread the wings of fire
Flames of rage arise in power
The time has come to shed my burning will

Eternal path has not been "meant" for thee
The myth of fate you must tear by force

Get away!
Feel the taste of freedom, ride on wind
Let your mind see things world never seen
As you weed your life from the hope of fate
Find the way you shall within yourself

Feel the taste of freedom, ride on wind
Let your mind see things world never seen
As you weed your life from the hope of fate
Find the way you shall within yourself

Feel the taste of freedom, ride on wind
Let your mind see things world never seen
As you weed your life from the hope of fate
Find the way you shall within yourself

Child Of The Damned

You made me see right past
myself, well beyond
my fears, realized
I'm synchronized, far beyond my years
I'm so guard unto them,
I serve unto their souls
now that I'm addicted,
my hunger only grows

I'm a child of the damned,
I follow where I go
rigging to the cross,
as holy as a whore
I'm just a child of the damned

Witches coven, the time has come
for those sabbatical
years, revelation is the
message, for all in all to hear
Prophets slayed, mankind
arrayed into mass submission
evil's here, the lord of hell
gives you the proposition

I'm a child of the damned,
I follow where I go
rigging to the cross,
as holy as a whore
I'm just a child of the damned

Give away your life goals,
your meaning and ambition
it means nothing to you,
after all it's superstition
Do not be afraid, the world
is near the end
is it better to rule in hell,
than it is to serve in heaven?

I'm a child of the damned,
I follow where I go
rigging to the cross,
as holy as a whore
I'm just a child of the damned

četvrtak, 10.04.2008.

Kaj God...

bokić svima..došla mi je inspiracija da napišem post..i tak..puno toga mi se od posljednjega posta desilo..više dobrih stvari nego loših..
danas je mojoj petrici rođendan..bile smo u Biker's baru i malo se zabavile..i čuvala sam male patuljaste zekije i baš su buci buci bu..ja bi jednoga.. :O)
već jako dugo sam ne slaveka maloga vidla i nadam se da ga ove subote bum.i ne samo njega i sve ove ostale moje dušice..jaaj kak ih sve volim..no ubiti..u sub bum valjda večer provela u šumi ali to nije sigurno..ovisi o situaciji..
u školi mi je dosadno kak i obično..denes smo pisali iz kemije...neje bilo tak teško kak sam mislila da bude..imali smo samo 4 sata i bilo je super..zadnji sat sam buljila u prozor i čekala dok bu 4 i 15 kaj odjurim na vlak..
i sad me ta inspiracija za napisati post napustila i ve mi se više neda nikaj pisati jer neznam zakaj i počela sam se gubiti i svašta mi trenuno pada na pamet...pogotovo jedna
perverzna misao o jednoj osobi...zato je bolje da više ništ ne pišem..katica ti znaš o kojoj osobi pričam i zato bi te molila za šutnju..unaprijed hvala...hehe
bokić.. =o)

| - 22:11 - why... (0) | you don't.... | love me... |

četvrtak, 06.03.2008.

u školi..

i tak..došal je novi mjesec a s njimi novi post..mada sam katici rekla da ga bum
dok dojdem doma napisala ali ja ga bum ve tu u školi po računalstvo..
hihi..imam još dva sata i onda konačno na vlakec pa onda domeka..
jaaj..mali šćurek je bubani..a bu..želim mu brzo ozdravljenje..
i tak..ništ novo kod mene...kod vas?he he..
zvoni mi za 10 min i onda ide prehrana..dosadno bu mi pak..jaaaj
i tak.idem ja ve..profač tu nekvu filmsku muziku pušta..eh kaj buš..isuse bože..
ovaj pjeva kak da mu je zadnje kaj bu napravil..ajde pa-pa..
pozdrav svima kolko god vas ima..

| - 16:22 - why... (4) | you don't.... | love me... |

nedjelja, 10.02.2008.


ovoga posta pišem sam zbog katice jer je prekinula
tradiciju ne pisanja posteva..tak..
i da ga ona neje napisala nebi se
ja ve isto trebala mučiti..a jooj..katica katica...
kaj bu s tebe dok te ja pojem?! no pa
nebum te pojela brige bez boj...hehehe..
još sam 4 meseca i konačno kraj škole..
jedva čekam..ali još sam par dana, no dobro malo
već od par dana do proljetnih praznika..i ve
već neznam kaj pisati..z menom je sve vredu...
kak ste mi vi, mislim vi koji ovo čitate? hahahaha..
ma idem ve..dosta je bilo...nemam već kaj za reči..
a je 10.5 idem u Gardaland...valjda bu ok..nadam se...
no idem ve..bokić wavewave

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| - 12:37 - why... (8) | you don't.... | love me... |

utorak, 01.01.2008.


evo me ljudovi..dugo sam ne ništ napisala..ja sam ok i sve je po starome...jučer sam novu godinu dočekala kod meglića..bilo je dobro..i tak..ana je bila u središću..i bilo joj je sexy, valjda,ak je ne onda ga jebi..ovo je ve kratki post jer nemam baš o čemu pisati..pozdrav svima i sretna vam nova godina!!

| - 15:55 - why... (9) | you don't.... | love me... |

ponedjeljak, 17.12.2007.

Deep, deep colour of the sky....

evo kaj nešt naškrebam..i tak..u subotu su šćuri i moharić slavili rođendana..i to se je održalo u šumi..mada je bilo podosta zima..ali bilo je vatrice kaj smo se malo ugrijali..ali bilo je tak i tak fensi i sexy..i ve sam ja lepo prehlađena i nešt me grlo zeza..ali nadam se da neje ništ ozbiljnije..trenutno pijem finoga čajeka od brusnice..da da dobro vidite kaj piše...od brusnice..preporučam da onaj ko ga neje probala nek ga proba jer je fenomenalan..u nedjelju sam pala po štengama dok sam išla nekome ko je zvonil otvoriti vrata..fala bogu nesam si spotrla glavu, a za lakat nesam sigurna dal je ne spotrti jer mi je sve plavo i boli me dok ispružim ruku..ali sigurno sam si sam jako natukla..bu bolje..bar se ja tak tješim...i tak..neznam kaj da još napišem...mah idem ve nekvoga filmića si pogledati..pozdrav svima koji ovo čitaju..ak opće ima takvih...ajd' pa-pa..pusa..

ovo je od katice i petre mali nećak...ja bum dela njegovu sliku jer se one očito nebi zimislile kaj bi dele na svoj blog..i baš mi je lepi..tu ima sam par meseci..ve bu začas jednu godinu star..buci bu...

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mali matej..baš lepo ime ima.. belj

| - 20:35 - why... (5) | you don't.... | love me... |

nedjelja, 09.12.2007.


Evo kaj vam se malo javim...dugo me neje bilo..not..trenutno mi svira lost horizon...sexy..naslov posta sam tak dela jer se lepo rimuje...evo jedna informacija za Majdu: nemam više sjede lasi..pofarbala sam se..usput te pozdravljam..
I bla..tak je prošal još jedan vikend..još sam dva tjedna i prazniki..jupi..jedva čekam..i tak..opče neznam kaj da pišem..jučer sam bila kod malih bratići: Tio, Dena i najmalđi Vito.baš su slatki mali.. svi tri imaju narađastu kosu..jaaj..cakano..buci bu..volim ih jako..nedam mi se već pistai..to bi bilo to..pozdrav svima... mah

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baš mi je lepa ova slikica...

| - 14:18 - why... (8) | you don't.... | love me... |

nedjelja, 02.12.2007.

Nothing is forever in life,But a memory believe it`s true....

znam bu neko komentiral naslov posta..ali boli mene kurac za to..meni je Edguy jako dobar i gotovo..i kaj me brige kaj vi mislite..tak..i tobias je baš meni sexy..dobro ve dok zgleda kak emo niti ne baš..ali sikak je sexy..a o njegovome glasu da i ne govorim..prejebeni je.jaaj..dosta o tome..tak me sve boli..poludela bum...još sam manje od mesec dana i prazniki..jedva čekam..jeeeeee....nadam se da bu snega za Božić..kaj se bumo malo grudali..onak kak u stara vremena dok smo bili mlađi..zmislim se dok smo si bunkere od snega slagali..baš je bilo fensi...malo mi ta vremena faliju..ne da sam nekaj ja starija od onda dok smo se igrali tak..ali..ono..drugi jesu...mah, bu bolje..idem ve..već mi se spava..ajd' pa-pa..

| - 21:16 - why... (7) | you don't.... | love me... |

srijeda, 28.11.2007.


opet neznam kaj da pišem..ali tak malo nešt bum..denes smo se ivana i ja po celome vž-u pošikavale i ljudi su nas pak bledo gledali..ali ne bitno..to je nama normalno...katica je malo prehlađena, petra kak petra, ništ posebno...ve se tu na msn-u s vjeranekom dopisujem i tak..u subotu sam na rođendanu i baš bu sexy..nadam se..pozdravljam majdu: majda bokić!! u horoskopu mi piše da trebam iti doktoru..kak lažeju..lol..mada me kičma boli ali to je tak..no..idem ve...možda denem kakšnu slikcu..e je..dela bum..od šćurija i lipića...

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| - 21:08 - why... (8) | you don't.... | love me... |

četvrtak, 22.11.2007.


Ovo bu jako kratki post..ali ga pišem iz jednoga razloga..dela bum tu jednu sexy sliku de su moji frendovi šćuri i majda i baš su mi tu buci bu..nadam se da majda nebu šćurija na toj sliki ubil..ajd..denem ju ve....

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Kaj ne da je sexy..jaaj..kak ja njih dva imam rada..jaaj..denem vam još jednu..tu su z majdinim pesekom..baš je lepi..

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| - 22:10 - why... (5) | you don't.... | love me... |

nedjelja, 18.11.2007.

Opet dosadno..

i tak..kaj je bilo jučer rađe nebum komentirala jer bi se nekoje osobe do koje je meni stalo i koje jako dugo poznam malo razočarale...ali nema veze..jaj tak sam si sexy slike skinula od hammerfall-a..aaaa...uuu..kaj su lepe..s vjeranekom sam na msn-u..jaaj..picek mali..glava ga boli..i ve si je tableto spil i ve mu bu bolje...nadajmo se....prokleti bio alkohol..kaj pak pije ako mu škodi..lol....neda mi si se već pisati jer neznam kaj bi napisala..sve je po starome..nema nikakvih novih novosti ili nešt slično... mislim ima ali..ne bitno kaj...s kim..katica i petra znaju o čemu pričam..isto tak znaju majda, šćuri, kiki i lipić....nadam se da bu sve vredu..idem ve još malo vjerana srditi i onda si malo počinuti jer je subota bila duga...pa-pa..

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| - 14:28 - why... (2) | you don't.... | love me... |

srijeda, 07.11.2007.

Evo me...

evo ga..pošto mi je majda rekel da već dugo nesam ništ napisala..ali majda evo napisala bum i nebum dela nikve lirikse..tak..bilo mi je dobro kaj smo imali produženi vikend samo kaj bi ja još...neda mi se u školu...ali kaj se mora neje teško kak bi moja baka rekla..ana je opsjednuta s roznom bojom..nezenam kaj joj je došlo..evo ana kaj buš sretna ja ti za božić kupim nešt roznoga...dobro?..i bloje ti je...i tak..ve jedan dan smo ivana ( s mojega razreda..inače zakon ženska) i ja čitale novine koje nam je jen dobri gospon dal...i tak mi to listamo i dojdemo do velikoga naslova : ČEŠNJAK JE BOGATSTVO....i tak smo se jako smijale kaj su nas ljudi bledo gledali..ali to neje sve...mi smo došle do zaključka da je to diskriminacija smokvi i odlučile smo tužiti frajera češnjaka..sigurno se pitate zakaj smokve? e pa iz jednog jenostavnog razloga....smokve su bile prve koje su ivani pale na pamet, a i zato jer su tak male i nemoćne...imamo inče jako bujenu maštu,a i dosadno nam je pa nekak moramo tu dosadu ubiti pa onda izmišljamo svakave stvari...nas neje briga kaj si drugi misle o nama, glavno kaj se mI dobro nasijemo i zabavimo....i to bi bilo to..ima još puno zanimljivih događaja kaj smo ona i ja izvele ali te je najfriškeši..idem ve..ajd' pa-pa..pozz svima... =o) (moj uber sexy smajlić)...


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| - 20:46 - why... (3) | you don't.... | love me... |

srijeda, 24.10.2007.


evo me....neda mi se baš pisati posta al ga bum..al to bu nekvi kratki..jedva čekam subotu..na zbog toga jer moram u školu nego zbog toga jer kiki slavi rođendan i pozval nas je..baš bu fensi...nadam se..upravo sam došla od katice i petre...malo sam ih posjetila..nesam ih dugo vidla...nadam se da ANA U SUBOTU NEJDE U M. SUBOTICU kaj ju bar onada vidim..jer inače bum pozabila kak zgleda..jaaj ta moja ana...ja neznam kaj bu z nje jednoga dana...ali nema veze..usput ju pozdravljam...lol..idem ve..dosta sam napisala....pa-pa....

| - 20:36 - why... (6) | you don't.... | love me... |

četvrtak, 04.10.2007.


znam..već dugo nesam napisala post..ali ne mi se je dalo...i tak..u školi je sve super...prehladila sam se i ve sam malo prehlađena..i nosek me buba..a bu..pigi piš..bu bolje..valjda..ja se nadam..ma mora biti..no...u školi imamo tak jednoga lepoga maloga dečeca..ja i ova moja frrendica ivana smo ga nazvale Mogli..a tak je mali...i baš je slatki..buci bu...trenutno mi svira elvenking- The Regality Dance- baš mi jesuper ta pjesmica....ve bum stavila lirikse od te pjesme..tak..malo je duga al' nema veze..ajde bokić...pozdrav svima i bla...


Gentlemen and ladies all please lend me your attention
I beg your pardon for my cheek, please join this heathenreel
Strange rules has this dance; suffers from a serious allergy
Reddens and becomes so unkind, when people're

acting just like you

The regal dance's about to start and I am here to tell you
"There's many a slip twixt cup and lip" 'tis something

that could help you

On and on please join the ball, nobody will stop you
The steps they are so simple, look the moon is dancing too

Drink a toast with the wise man, no one will care for you
Let the dances have their go, follow 'till they reach the end
Mind the minstrels they will say you're just another scarecrow
Not a word a single word, not for all the

whole damn world (you say...)

Step out of this regality dance
One foot in heaven, one in your grave
Mind this last one, it willl make you fall
A regardful bow
When your every single choice is
Taken by the spin of a penny coin

I came I saw, do not want nothing at all,

do not want to moralise you
Or spitting hateful sentences, just trying to tease

your rudimental pride
"Live and let live" told the wise man, as no one cared for him
From the soil which is now part of..."leaving is so

easier than living" (he says...)

Step out of this regality dance
One foot into heaven, one in your grave
Mind this last one, it will make you fall
A regardful bow
When your every single choice is
Taken by the spin of a penny coin

Bienvenu Mesdames et Messieurs
To the Danse Paien
Please come in and hurry up or
You will miss your turn

[Solos: Jarpen, Aydan]

[Chorus (x2):]

Face the truth are you worthy of this honesty filled - celebration!
Another tune bursting forth from the passion that

glides in my veins - can you feel it?
A speaking portrait's in front of me, do you acknowledge yourself? -

who painted you?

5. White Willow

At night I heard the owls say :
"Find the truth beneath the stars
You'll have to travel back to heaths of green...

...The entrance to the oak woods will be revealed to you
A king will tell you to ride until..."

... the leaves on the trees from black colour turn to green
There to find the oak woods I seek, where the old oaks still speak

At night I heard the old king say:
"To find your journey through the dark
You'll have to travel on a field of green"

Through time dark landscapes leave their place to grasslands of joy
Bestowed to ancient oak woods here I ...

... stand astonished by green, light of power covers me
To understand the nature of man I have now to speak with the trees.

In my life I always prayed the ancients acting with pure honesty
This is time to face the truth so here I go

Running through the woods I question every plant and every tree
Searching for the answer that was promised to me
Then the full moon comes out and the wind whispers in my ear :
"Ask for White Willow near the Silver Lake"...

-The fire in my heart was burning like the flames of ancient times
White Willow with his knowledge opened up my eyes
-The vision of the world I had before was based on thousand lies
White Willow taught me how to live my life with truth

And there it stands the only White Willow tree
He embraced me and he told me to gaze at the stars!

The wise old tree twice spoke to me and he said :
"Bring truth to the ones that you trust
And make them believe that I still exist"
So he closed his eyes and I traveled back home

Back to my world, home I return :
And the birds cry out "The old king has died"
With tears in my eyes I follow my heritage :
Now I am to be new Elvenking!

-Green power light was flowing down my eyes like

waters from the falls
White Willow filled my heart with lore I now recall (lore I now recall!)
-The black horizons once I saw now turn to white as I pass by
And now I know why man can't bear to know the nature of the truth

[Narrator:] and there it stands, the only white willow tree
with golden leaves and a sweet old voice
He embraced me, hard as rock
and he told me, gaze at the stars

In the light I still see, the only willow tree
I'm living on, the dream he shared with me
Sometimes I can still see, the good old speaking tree
His voice like ambrosia's flowing deep in me

| - 20:11 - why... (1) | you don't.... | love me... |

ponedjeljak, 24.09.2007.

nakon nekog vremena..

lol..odlučila am napisati post..nakon malo duže vremena..mislim bar ve imam o čemu pisati...ono..fakat..ovu subotu smo katica, ja i ostali ( neda mi se nabrajati) bili u varaždinu i pili ali i pomalo napili..ne kaj bi imali povratne posljedice nego kaj smo malo bole bili veseli..i tak...naravno petra i ana nesu bile s nama jer su bile kod svojih ajd' nazovimo ih dečkim...mislim jesu im dečki ali...ma ne bitno, u glavi je bolje zvučalo...sutra idem posjetiti svoju doktoricu jer imam nekve probleme s očima...nadajmo se da bu sve OK...
idem ja ve..moram si još nešt pogledati o aditivima- referat iz prehrane..ajde pa-pa...

Sonata Arctica: The Cage

A lifetime ago, with frozen eyes they closed the door.
Suddenly I realized what locks are for. No trusting them anymore, lights - are - out.

Empty the stare, innocent and unaware, dragged out from my home, my lair.
Earmarked me, hurt me, burned me.

The walls around me, eyes surround me, feed my fear again.
I must be freed or I will die before the harvest moon, my friend.
I do not have another year in me, you've gotta set me free.

The dream is alive, I can run up the hills every night,
Go around and see another side of the tree.
Freedom has a meaning for me, howl with me.

Fear in the dark, I advice you. You can not see the eyes, they grow behind
It's my song they now sing to you.
You stand no chance....

They'll kill for me, steal back my freedom, set me free, it's my minions vs.
Fiery the vengeance, hate will drain me.

The walls around me, eyes surround me, feed my fear again.
I must be freed or I will die before the harvest moon, my friend.
I do not have another year in me, you've gotta set me free.

The dream is alive, I can run up the hills every night,
Go around and see another side of the tree.
All I want is to be untamed and free, howl and (dream).

The dream is alive, with the moon on the hills every night,
Run around and see another side of the dream.
Freedom has a meaning for me, you can't tame me...

You will remember the day you crossed my path.
Leave me without a guard and you feel my wrath.
What you have done to me has made me bitter and cruel.
I'll see that all the hate you spread returns to you, you, to you...

The walls around me, eyes surround me, feed my fear again.
I must be freed or I will die before the harvest moon, my friend.
I do not have another year in me, you've gotta set me free.

The dream is alive, I can run up the hills every night,
Go around and see another side of the tree.
All I want is to be untamed and free, howl and (dream).

The dream is alive, with the moon on the hills every night,
Run around and see another side of the dream.
Freedom has a meaning for me, you can't tame me...

The dream is alive, I can run up the hills every night,
Go around and see another side of the tree.
All I want is to be untamed and free, howl and (dream).

The dream is alive, with the moon on the hills every night,
Run around and see another side of the dream.
Freedom has a meaning for me..

| - 22:24 - why... (4) | you don't.... | love me... |

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